Drop in meditation class – guided in English


Wednesday 7pm – 8.30pm

These general Programme classes are open to anyone interested in meditation and solving our human problems from the side of our own mind.

Each evening offers the opportunity to follow guided meditations and listen to a teaching on how to practically improve our mind to find real happiness in our daily life.

The teachings are based on the books of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, who presents the ancient wisdom of Buddha in a modern day presentation, suitable for us to understand and practice.

The classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced practitioners, and emphasise how to use meditation and subsequent practices amidst the busyness of modern, daily life.  The union of Buddha’s teachings and our daily life is the essence of Kadampa Buddhism.

At the end of the class there is time for discussion and questions.

You will go relaxed and inspired into the rest of your week.

Join us. Everyone is welcome!

Kadampa Meditationszentrum München
Rumfordstraße 1, Rgb
80469 München

suitable for beginners and others

single class: 10.-  Euro

6-class card: 48.- Euro ( use within 6 month )

Centre monthly membership (35.-Euro): included in the membership

Wellpass membership: included in the membership (please check in on arrival)

München Pass: 5€

Pre-booking is not required.

But if you prefer you can book and pay online

Practicing Dharma is not difficult or time-consuming. We always have time; there are always 24 hours in a day. If we direct our mind in a positive direction, we can transform whatever action we do into the path to enlightenment. In this way, Buddha’s teachings become part of our life naturally. Getting up in the morning can be a practice of Dharma, eating and going to work can be practicing Dharma, sleeping can be a practice of Dharma. By transforming our attitude in the midst of daily activities, our life becomes very meaningful.

Through training in formal and informal meditation, our mind will eventually experience a deep inner peace all the time. These evenings will guide us to deepen our understanding of what meditation is. Everyone is welcome.

  • Cultivating mindfulness
  • Being mindful living in an interdependent world
  • Being mindful of our actions

Especially in challenging, difficult times, the practice of patience is our most important practice. It affords us inner peace and access to constructive strategies, in the midst of everything going wrong.

March 05 — Actively patient – instead of passive aggressive
March 12 — Know your enemy – a contemplating the disadvantages of anger
March 19 — How to meet undesirable circumstances with wisdom
March 26 — becoming a warrior for peace.